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Improve your packing process with an ergonomic packing bench 23.1.2023 |

Proper packing facilities enable well-organized processes and job satisfaction and contribute to improvement in the lead time. Thanks to well-designed packing benches– and fluent processes – there are fewer mistakes, less waste, good motivation, less absenteeism, and finally, a better quality of product and a better customer experience.

In this article, we explain why proper packing bench is worth the investment. We have also included the most popular pre-configured models to support the beginning of the process.
Treston Concept Packtisch mit Flex Stehhilfe
Well-designed packing workbench supports well-being and profitability.


A Productive packing bench is a justified investment

If a logistics hub sends out 1000 parcels a week, shortening the lead time by only 30 seconds per parcel can save 8 hours in working time per week. Lead time is an important KPI of packing stations.

In bigger logistics hubs, automated warehousing and filling technologies are increasing but hand packing stations will continue to be an important part of the complete process. Besides outbound parcels returns are also increasing as is the cost of processing them.

At a Lean packing station, no time is wasted on searching for items, the process runs smoothly and predictably without interruptions and the station enables continuous improvement resulting in better efficiency, less waste and damage, savings in materials, time and space, and improved customer satisfaction.

Check out the packing workbenches 


Begin with the most popular pre-configurations

Treston Concept packing bench configuration


Treston Concept Packing bench

Start this design






Treston ted packing bench configuration



Treston TED Packing bench

Start this design






Treston TP packing bench configuration


Treston TPH Packing bench

Start this design






Increase motivation, well-being and productivity with ergonomics

Proper ergonomics in packing workbenches improves employees’ health and wellbeing as well as occupational safety, reduces sickness absences resulting in cost savings, and boosts productivity. It can be a decisive factor when competing for skilled and motivated workers, which again increases the efficiency.

However, maybe the most important reason to invest in a packing station is people. Manual packing and unpacking need motivated people to do a good job. To ensure there are enough skilled employees to handle this manual work as fluently and flawlessly as possible, it is crucial to pay attention to ergonomics and the wellbeing of your staff.

Employees who are satisfied with their work have ten times less sickness absences compared to their unsatisfied colleagues. A satisfied employee is also on average 12% more productive, whereas an unsatisfied employee is 10% more inefficient than an average employee

Height-adjustable packing table TED
Proper ergonomics in packing benches improves employees’ health and wellbeing

Choose a hyper-adaptable packing bench

You should choose a packing station that is highly adjustable and customisable, easy to fit to the needs and priorities of the user. It should be designed with a user in mind, taking into account the workers’ needs and physiology, such things as distances of items, height adjustability, and reachability of accessories.

  • I’ve seen cheap wobbly benches with sharp corners, which scratch the hands of the user. Often, they cannot be adjusted in any way. Nowadays, especially with an ageing workforce, packing solutions with poor ergonomics increase musculoskeletal disorder related absences and demotivate personnel, which can lead to increased sick leave. This can be 100 times more expensive for the company than investing in a proper packing station. Thierry Peron, Treston

Learn more - E-book: How to create a productive packing station

Discover a new type of packaging workbench - Treston Quick Edge

Treston Quick Edge workbench has a new, innovative mechanism for extremely fast height adjustment. This industrial workstation is designed, for example, for packing and logistic centres, where the desk height adjustment is done according to the differently sized cartons.

The Treston Quick Edge Workstation adapts for operators of different standing heights and increases both performance and ergonomics.