ESD Workstation Management Explained
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the sudden flow of electricity which happens when two electrically charged objects come in contact. If powerful enough, the ESD can be felt, seen, or even heard by humans. Such an occurrence is called an electricstatic shock.
However, electronic components and products, handled in many workplaces nowadays, can be affected in lower voltages, undetectable by humans, and ESD damage might happen. These ESD defects can often be neither seen nor detected in final testing. Nevertheless, they can cause problems in the end-product, for example, by weakening its durability or changing its functionality.
To avoid ESD damage, proper ESD protection should be ensured by building an ESD protected area (EPA), in which electronic components, parts, and products can be handled safely. The main role in an EPA is played by furniture with ESD protection.
Ensuring ESD protection is especially important in the electronics industry, but the increasing use of electronics in all kinds of products is leading to the introduction of EPAs in more and more workplaces in industrial and technical environments. This is critical today for many companies, where sensitive electronics are handled, including defence sector, semiconductor sector, maritime, fine mechanics, optical technologies, and medical industry.