Rock your body right - on and off work
30.5.2024Have you ever considered how your work environment and postures impact your free time? After all, we have just one body, whether on or off work.
If our bodies feel good at work, we have the energy and ability to enjoy our free time activities too

The benefits of ergonomic working conditions
Ergonomic working conditions create the foundation for good performance at work, improving productivity and well-being of employees. However, the benefits of work ergonomics extend far beyond the workplace.
If our bodies feel good at work, we have the energy and ability to enjoy our free time activities too, whether it is playing Guitar Hero and headbanging, practicing yoga postures, or simply enjoying playing with our kids.
Energy for life: work ergonomics and leisure activities
“We shouldn’t feel exhausted and worn out after a workday. Instead, we should be able to continue our day’s activities with enthusiasm and energy,” comments Jonna Patama, Treston's Group Product Manager and company Ergonomist.
Work ergonomics significantly impact our success at work but also our quality of life during leisure time. Conversely, our free time activities affect our work capabilities. Free time should recharge our batteries and provide us with energy that benefits and enhances our work performance.
Having sickness absences is, of course, a significant burden on companies and society as a whole, but they are also personal tragedies for those affected.
Perspective on musculoskeletal disorders
According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, up to three out of five employees in Europe report musculoskeletal symptoms. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the largest occupational health hazard in Europe. In Finland, the Confederation of Finnish Industries has reported that employees in the industrial sector have the highest rate of sickness absences, averaging 16 working days per person per year, with roughly one-third of these absences due to MSDs.
Having sickness absences is, of course, a significant burden on companies and society as a whole, but they are also personal tragedies for those affected. Maybe a person cannot enjoy playing with their grandchildren, walking their dogs, or engaging in their favorite sports.
One body, on and off work
“We have one body on and off work, and it would be a shame not to recognize how paying attention to work ergonomics can profoundly impact our entire life, not just our work life,” says Patama. “People truly appreciate feeling energetic after a full workday, and this message has resonated strongly with those performing manual work”, she continues.
Campaign videos tell the message in very visual way: